Welcome to LiGa™. LiGa™ is a contraction of LifeGame™. The ethos of LiGa, what LiGa does, is wholly transparent. So we have created this website to help promulgate the abiding philosophy of LifeGame. Life. Game. Two words, one concept. The games are Bridge or Chess, but LiGa is a life choice — however long yours may last. If you prevail in a LiGa tournament, you will have the opportunity to join a growing group of remarkable people around the world who embody the ethos of LifeGame: to live their lives with the clarity, the transparency of glass.
If you have received an invitation to a LiGa Tournament, you will find in the accompanying brochure much of the information provided on this website. If you have not received an invitation, you are welcome to peruse this website to understand more about LifeGame and our technology; however you will not find any means here of requesting an invitation.
Latest News:
072012: LiGa™ Bridge video on our YouTube channel |
052012: launch of our YouTube channel |